A merchant mariner by trade, John Dunaway guides cargo ships through the Houston Ship Channel day in and day out. When not aboard ship, you will find him spending time outside with his family and trusty retriever Nixon. Come hunting season, they frequently wingshoot together which fulfills a passion for the outdoors and provides food for the table. His popular annual dove hunt gathering Paloma Blanco has grown from a festival of a friends to a donation arm to Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation and the outdoors. Dunaway documents the often neglected or poorly depicted lifestyles of hunting and shipping though his Abstract Conformity website. Abstract Conformity is his approach to sharing stories with details that are often overlooked by the mainstream viewer, continuously adapting this voice as he learns and grows.

My message to others is simple. This is what I do with my life, and how I choose to pursue my passion for the outdoors. And hopefully you can find some enjoyment of it. You don’t need to enjoy all of it by any means, there are so many different ways to embrace our natural world. This is my choice. But if you find something that resonates, you can carry that forward by getting involved and pass it on.